About licenses

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  • #7745

    Hi to all.

    Well I’m thinking of buy a license for embedded and linux targets and I have a couple of questions.

    1. I have a desktop and a laptop that I’m developing. Can I use the license in both of them (not the same time, of course).
    2. For how long the license is active? It’s a life time activation or per year? And if it’s limited lifetime, after the activation time expires the program deactivates or it just stop updates.
    3. Is there any chance for a future eclipse plugin?

    Thanks in advance.



    Please find your answers below:

    1. We do allow using a personal license on one additional computer (e.g. a laptop).
    2. The license is perpetual, however the free updates and support will only work for 1 year.
    3. We don’t have any plans for making an Eclipse plugin, as many Eclipse users prefer free tools and may not justify the costs of a plugin like VisualGDB. You can, however, use the free Visual Studio Community edition with VisualGDB if you don’t have a regular Visual Studio license.
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