STM32F4 with J-Link, device selection

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB STM32F4 with J-Link, device selection

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  • #7527

    If I’m enabling Live Variables or Semihosting then the new/extra instance of JLink (that devenv.exe starts) prompts me for device selection.
    It happens every time, it won’t remember it or auto detect it. Really frustrating!

    This happens in both 5.0r6 and 5.1preview2, and J-Link 5.10 (different revisions tried, same problem).




    Normally you can select the device in VisualGDB Project Properties -> Debug settings. Then VisualGDB will remember it and pass it to the Segger tool so it won’t ask it each time.

    Let us know if this does not work.


    That is already set to the correct device, and “normal” debug works.
    It’s when that other instance of JLink starts that it prompts me for the device.



    Strange, we have never managed to reproduce that. Which version of the Segger software are you using?


    Yes, it normally only starts one instance, listed in Task Manager as JLinkGDBServerCL (or something like that, don’t have access to it right now).

    But when I use Live Variables it starts another instance, and that one is listed under devenv.exe, so Visual Studio is starting it I guess.
    It’s that instance that keeps prompting me to select device.

    I use JLink 5.10h right now, but I’ve tried other 5.x and it’s the same thing.
    Also, it may have started when I upgraded the JLink debug tool you provide inside Visual Studio, think it’s 3.0 I use now.

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