Hi there =)
Found a bug that can’t permit to mount cues multifile-images (iso+mp3 and so) within more than 17 tracks (error message is the same of my last post: 0x8007013D).
U can test any iso with this ready set attached that contains 17 small recreated silent mp3s…
As u can see, deleting last 17th track entry in the “cue” file, that will be mounted without probs.
Also wav files have the some effect.
PS: a note about some previous users issues: please remind that Seven is the first cause of your problems. Seven is total rubbish, just a market move that slow down your PC and give probs only for incentive buys new hardware upgrade and new compatible soft. XP is the only real official OS (the imminent end of support by Microsoft can’t be true, it’s only a trick to push people to use new OSs), and after XP will come the ReactOS era (check it out).