Hi, I’m working with VisualGDB + IAR
I have started to compare map output file produced via IAR only and VisualGDB+IAR
For some reason vector_table if very different in size in both files, for example:
VisualGDB+IAR output
Section Kind Address Size Object
------- ---- ------- ---- ------
"A0": 0x40
.intvec ro code 0x800'0000 0x40 vector_table_M.o [7]
- 0x800'0040 0x40
IAR output
Section Kind Address Size Object
------- ---- ------- ---- ------
"A0": 0x298
.intvec ro code 0x800'0000 0x298 startup_stm32h743xx.o [1]
- 0x800'0298 0x298
I have noticed VisualGDB compilation ignores asm start up file, while IAR not,
and that leads to using default vector_table_M
How can I force VisualGDB to compile this startup_stm32h743xx.s
file, without it, vector table if different and it leads to HardFaults