VisualGDB 5.4 Beta 1 is out

Today we are proud to announce the release of VisualGDB 5.4 Beta 1. It introduces a new highly optimized file synchronization engine that eliminates many drawbacks of the tar-based file synchronization used previously.

The new engine supercharges sysroot synchronizations, caching of remote headers and many more operations that involve copying big sets of files between the Windows and Linux machines. It supports incremental transfers and advanced filters for both incoming and outgoing file transfers, works around the Windows path length limitation and knows how to deal with recursive or broken symlinks on either side.

To minimize the configuration effort, VisualGDB 5.4 introduces a new project property page – Synchronized Directories. Now that folder synchronization can be extremely fast and efficient, you can define rules for synchronizing arbitrary folders when the project is loaded, built, or a debugging session is being started. They can be used for downloading symbol files, uploading resources or extra libraries, or managing manual caches of Linux headers or libraries.

You can also easily promote the synchronization rules to build machine level and VisualGDB will automatically apply them for all projects targeting that remote machine.

We have published extensive documentation on the capabilities of the new synchronization engine here:

Try it out

You can download VisualGDB 5.4 Beta 1 on the download page. If you have any feedback, don’t hesitate to use our support form or the VisualGDB forum.