I’ve imported a gradle project into VisualGDB and successfully compiled/linked, and generated an APK. When I go to run/debug it, I get the error message “No APK files were found in the binary directory. Please build the project first.”
And then displays the ADB log, which is PS process list dump. What I’m looking for is the name and location of the APK file that VisualGDB is looking for, to see how it is different than then APK file the compile is generating.
Any tips appreciated.
Hm, in fact it looks like the build is generating TWO .APK files, which are under subfolders of …/build/output/<flavor name>/debug . I looked a the app/build.gradle file, it has a “productFlavors” section with two flavors defined. Anyway, I need VisualGDB to find at least one APK to push to the android device and attach and run.