I’ve tried that and it works, however I still can’t get the picoW to run in non debug mode. This is the same whether I copy across the uf2 file or run it in Start without debugging mode. As said I added a diagnostic flashing led into the Main loop before the stdio_init_all() and this always flashes whether the pico serves the WEB page or not. So I think that it must be an issue specifically related to the wifi .
As a possible clue when I use Start emulate I am asked the question:- Arm semihosting system call detected. Do you want VisualGDB to handle these calls and emulate a base console?
If I select yes then the project works fine and I can see and use the broadcast web page.
If I select no then I get the following exception thrown in FastSemihosting.cpp:
asm volatile(“mov r0, %1; mov r1, %0; bkpt %a2”
::”r”(&s_FastSemihostingState), “r”(SysprogsSemihostingReasonBase +
kInitializeFastSemihosting), “i”(AngelSWI)
: “r0”, “r1”, “r2”, “r3”, “ip”, “lr”, “memory”, “cc”);
s_FastSemihostingState.ReadOffset = 0; * Exception Thrown Received a SIGTRAP: trace/breakpoint trap
s_FastSemihostingState.WriteOffset = 0;
Could it be that in debug mode the programme is running slower and so avoids a timing issue somewhere?
Your help would be appreciated