I checked again, on the PCA10028 normally a NRF51422 xxAC is used. That’s also what is on top of the IC-case N51422-OCAC1-1515AK, SEGGER J-Link Control Panel also Displays NRF51422_XXAC as connected device.
I tried the AA-Version with lower RAM, but here also right after returning from any called function the core jumps to the HardFault Handler. I also tried different Settings for “C Library Type”, “Reduce sice of C++ Binaries” and “Provide Default stubs for system calls” I also tried S130 or S110 as Softdevice with both HeartRatePeripheral and UART, but all behave the same.
When using mbed I can Flash the Chip via Bootloader-Device, the code runs. But J-Link ODB is lost after that. It needs to be reflashed with the Nordic J-Link ODB Firmware to get J-Link functionality again.