VisualGDB large .npa files

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB VisualGDB large .npa files

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    Was moving some of the VisualGDB projects and I realised that the folders were huge in size +1Gb. Upon further look I found that most data was kept in the CodeDB folder and files with .npa ending were the largest around 200mb in size.

    What are these files used for? and are they important?

    Thank you.



    Those files contain precompiled headers for code completion. When you open a source file for editing VisualGDB will parse the headers it includes only once, store the result in a .npa file and then reuse it each time you need code completion results.

    The .npa files are created for sources that have been modified in the last 24 hours as they are assumed to be actively edited. If you have recently imported the entire project, VisualGDB could have created those for all source files. Then you can simply delete them 24 hours after import and they won’t be re-created.



    This is still an issue 5 years on.

    My current project has got up to 1.5Gb which is a bit ridiculous when source files are only 1.5Mb

    Is there a clean up button or something ?

    I noticed that the projectname.sdf file is getting pretty big as well.

    We tend to copy previous projects and manually rename and update the project/solution GUID’s – maybe this is not helping the situation ?

    I think our projects also have leftover stuff from pre-msbuild and older versions of visualGDB – any advice on reducing project size would really help us




    No problem. Please let us know the email address associated with your license key, and we will look further into it.


    I’m interested in knowing how to reduce project folder size as well. My compressed backup files forĀ one of my oldest STM32 projects are 0.5G each. The uncompressed project folder is near 1G, meanwhile a newer project weighs in at only 225 MB.

    I’d like to know which project subfolders can be safely deleted (or excluded from backup) without affecting the ability to later restore the project from a backup.



    No problem. Please refer to our MSBuild documentation page for a detailed description of different files used by VisualGDB projects.

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