VisualGDB for Cypress PSOC

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    I’m using uC’s from different vendors, including Microchip(Atmel), STM32, Cypress PSOC …

    VisualGDB supports many of these, but I am missing Cypress PSOC.

    I’m working with their Creator very well, but I am missing C++ support

    and import of Arduino libraries.

    Support of let’s say PSOC 4 would be a nice addition to VisualGDB.

    Definition PIN’s, their special UDB’s and so on could be done

    via their Creator and the results added to VisualGDB like

    CubeMX of STM32.


    Is there any chance for inclusion of Cypress PSOC’s into VisualGDB ?


    +1 for PSoC.

    Keil is too old-school after Visual Studio, VisualGDB and ReSharper.


    Yes, PSOC’s are special, because you can interconnect digital and analog components inside the PSOC, completely graphically or by Verilog,

    so that you need less external components and CPU can be freed for other tasks.

    I have done this for a special digital protocol, where other uC’s need lots of CPU cycles.


    Also Cypress is recently aquired by Infineon !


    I use them too, I think, the main complication is the GUI for UDB itself and other miscellaneous things like clocks and GPIO matrix



    Thanks for your suggestion.

    The trouble with the PSoC devices is that they rely on an extremely complicated software framework, and at the same time have relatively few users, compared to mainstream device families like STM32.

    We have done some tests with the PSoC6 using the WICED SDK and will be supporting it similar to the recently added nRFConnect SDK support. However, as the PSoC devices are less popular than mainstream families like STM32, the support for them will be somewhat basic, compared to the STM32 devices.

    That said, you can always create a project manually by following our legacy device tutorial.


    Just wanted to share an update that we have added support for the WICED SDK to the following build: VisualGDB-

    You can now create a basic project using the new WICED project wizard.

    If you are using PSoC 6, make sure you use the latest OpenOCD package and configure the debug package per attachment.

    We will publish a detailed tutorial in the next couple of weeks as well.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Sadly, I only have PSoC 5LP around.

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