Visual Studio 2010 hangs on breakpoint

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualDDK/VirtualKD discussion Visual Studio 2010 hangs on breakpoint

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  • #348

    Im using VisualDDK 1.5.5 VirtualKD 2.5.4 and VirtualBox 4.1.2.
    When I hit a breakpoint, VS freezes.
    I’m sometimes able to kill visual studio gracefully by ending its process from taskmanager and get an end debug session dialog, but the rest of the VS-UI is still stalled.
    VirtualBox wont die after this happens and a restart is needed.
    Ive tried downgrading to VisualDDK 1.5.4 with the same result.

    Any ideas?



    Please attach the DDKDebugger-dbg.log file from VisualDDK directory. It would probably contain the reason for hanging.


    Hi there,

    First & foremost: congratulations for the great job done so far.

    I have just encountered the same issue. I’ve attached the log file that was requested to the original poster.

    If you cannot find any suitable information, I will try to generate the bug as many times as it would take.


    Initializing MSDBG session...
    Loading dbgtools DLLs from C:Program Files (x86)Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)...
    Session initialized successfully.
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::UpdateCurrentThreadAndFrame()
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::SetCodeLevel()
    +  0.000 [    0 ms]: BasicMSDbgSession::ResumeTarget()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::GetBreakpointCurrentPassCount()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::GetStackTrace()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::GetThreadCountFromDispatcherThread()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::GetThreadCount()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::GetThreadIdsByIndex()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::GetOffsetByName()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::GetSourceLocationByOffset()
    +  0.015 [    0 ms]: MSDbgSession::BuildFrameInfo()
    +  0.717 [   16 ms]: MSDbgSession::CreateSymbolGroupForExpression(DeviceObject->AlignmentRequirement)
    + 0.733 [ 15 ms]: MSDbgSession::FillIdentifierFromSymbolGroupEntry()
    + 0.748 [ 0 ms]: MSDbgSession::ReferenceSymbolGroup()
    + 0.748 [ 0 ms]: MSDbgSession::ReleaseSymbolGroup()
    + 0.748 [ 0 ms]: MSDbgSession::LookupSymbolByInGroupId()
    + 0.748 [ 0 ms]: MSDbgSessionEx::GetTextSymbolAttribute()
    + 0.748 [ 0 ms]: MSDbgSession::LookupSymbolByInGroupId()
    + 0.748 [ 0 ms]: MSDbgSession::FillDescriptorFromSymbolGroupEntry()
    + 1.794 [ 0 ms]: MSDbgSession::ReleaseSymbolGroup()
    + 1.794 [ 0 ms]: MSDbgSession::UpdateCurrentThreadAndFrame()
    + 1.794 [ 0 ms]: BasicMSDbgSession::ResumeTarget()
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