"The given path's format is not supported" when importing STM32CubeIde project

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB "The given path's format is not supported" when importing STM32CubeIde project

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  • #28654

    I’ve installed a trial version of VisualGDB and am considering moving to VisualGDB from STM32CubeIde.
    However, when I try importing my STM32CubeIde project I get an exception (below).

    `VisualGDB version:</code>
    <code>------------------ System.NotSupportedException ------------------</code>
    <code>System.NotSupportedException: The given path's format is not supported.</code>
    <code>at STM32IDEProjectImporter.STM32IDEProjectImporter.ParserImpl.OnParseFailed(Exception ex, String sampleID, String projectFileDir, String warningText)</code>
    <code>at STM32IDEProjectImporter.SW4STM32ProjectParserBase.ParseSingleProject(String optionalProjectRootForLocatingHeaders, String projectFile, String[] virtualPathComponents, String boardName, List1 extraIncludeDirs, ProjectSubtype subtype, List`1 result)
    at STM32IDEProjectImporter.STM32IDEProjectImporter.ImportProject(ProjectImportParameters parameters, IProjectImportService service)
    at VisualGDB.WPF.Wizards.Embedded.EmbeddedProjectTypePage.ControllerImpl.CommitPage(x commitMode)
    at VisualGDB.WPF.Wizards.WPFWizardWindow.ControllerImpl.TryPrepareAndCommitPagesUntil(Int32 pageIndex)
    trace=[STM32IDEProjectImporter.STM32IDEProjectImporter+ParserImpl.OnParseFailed:0, STM32IDEProjectImporter.SW4STM32ProjectParserBase.ParseSingleProject:356, STM32IDEProjectImporter.STM32IDEProjectImporter.ImportProject:5, VisualGDB.WPF.Wizards.Embedded.EmbeddedProjectTypePage+ControllerImpl.CommitPage:264, VisualGDB.WPF.Wizards.WPFWizardWindow+ControllerImpl.TryPrepareAndCommitPagesUntil:122]

    I’d really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by zozo_pepe.

    Is it possible to attach the project file here?

    Maybe it doesn’t like some characters in the project path?


    The forums do not let me upload my .project/.cproject files. The project I’m trying to import is on github here: https://github.com/pragun/super_mouse_stm32f4_usb_device

    Maybe it doesn’t like some characters in the project path?

    The path for the project is “F:\VisualGDBTest”, so no spaces, special characters, or anything like that.
    STM32CUBEIde seems to create “.project” and “.cproject” files with no names preceding the dot, I tried renaming them to “visualgdbtest.project”, and “visualgdbtest.cproject”, but still go the same error.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by zozo_pepe.

    No problem, please try this build: VisualGDB-


    That works great, thank you for such a prompt fix!

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