STM32CubeMX project import and assembly file

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB STM32CubeMX project import and assembly file

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  • #22428
    Scian Maurizio

    I’m trying to make a porting of a IAR project for STM32 to a Visual Studio solution.
    The project has some assembly file.
    I would like respect the actually folder position, so i can still edit the HAL with SM32CubeMX.

    The IAR project import doesn’t work, and I also tried to regenerate an HAL and import the application file, manually, into the solution. All seems work, but the assembly import don’t want to be compiled.
    I found in some topic forum around, and I learn that #ifdef and #endif directives needs to be substituted by .ifdef and .endif. But the solution still doesn’t compile, for some assembly directives that GCC should digest.
    Also, I tried to compile the assembly .s file in a solution, created by the Visual Studio wizard (Led Blink) and it compiles.
    The difference was the solution type: if the project is makefile based, like every embedded solution created with GCC compiler, compile the file is possible. If MSBUILD is used, it can’t digest the file.
    Is there a solution for that? I really would like work with Visual Studio and Visual GDB, but seems impossible.
    Has anyone had similar problems?



    Sorry, the assembly file syntax used by IAR and GCC is completely different, so most of the assembly files would need to be heavily rewritten. It should not be related to using Make or MSBuild, just the syntax inside the assembly file.

    That said, if the files come from the ST’s SDK, there should be equivalent versions of them for the GCC compiler. If you are not sure, please let us know what exact assembly files do not build (i.e. full path to the file and its contents, if possible) and we can advise on finding a GCC-compatible replacement.

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