I’m trying to make a porting of a IAR project for STM32 to a Visual Studio solution.
The project has some assembly file.
I would like respect the actually folder position, so i can still edit the HAL with SM32CubeMX.
The IAR project import doesn’t work, and I also tried to regenerate an HAL and import the application file, manually, into the solution. All seems work, but the assembly import don’t want to be compiled.
I found in some topic forum around, and I learn that #ifdef and #endif directives needs to be substituted by .ifdef and .endif. But the solution still doesn’t compile, for some assembly directives that GCC should digest.
Also, I tried to compile the assembly .s file in a solution, created by the Visual Studio wizard (Led Blink) and it compiles.
The difference was the solution type: if the project is makefile based, like every embedded solution created with GCC compiler, compile the file is possible. If MSBUILD is used, it can’t digest the file.
Is there a solution for that? I really would like work with Visual Studio and Visual GDB, but seems impossible.
Has anyone had similar problems?