I’m following the (ok, 3 year old) STM32 UART tutorial here:
As the tutorial is old, my VisualGDB UI is a bit different. One place of interest: I have 3 options for the LEDBlink sample (HAL, StdPeriph, and FreeRTOS). I leave the default at LEDBlink (HAL). There’s also a checkbox not show in tutorial “Support Legacy HAL API”. I leave it checked.
Blink works fine. So I proceed to step 7 to add some UART code.
When doing so – pretty much all of the UART macros are undefined, even when adding the suggested libraries as shown:
If I change the sample code to LEDBlink (StdPeriph) the only compile error is that unsignedchar is an unknown type for USART_ReadByteSync(USART_TypeDef * USARTx) ha! as it should have a space in there between unsigned and char 😉 perhaps update the tutorial for others that might not know that.
However, curiously with StdPeriph my LED no longer blinks (GPIOC, pin 6 in both instances)
Can you please add some clarification to this? Is there some documentation on the HAL features? I googled it and didn’t really find any sort of VisualGDB overview on this topic.
I am using a STM32 Smart V2 (with STM32F103C8T6 – or is that xCBT6?) with Visual Studio 2017 (same result in 2015) with VisualGDB-
Any insight on this will be appreciated, thanks.
*edit: remove html garbage that was included in copy/paste
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