STM32.How can i watch variables renamed by #define in Debug

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB STM32.How can i watch variables renamed by #define in Debug

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    I am using VisualGDB 4.1r10 in STM32 project.

    In Debug,I can’t watch the changes of variables which renamed by #define

    like this:

    #define YY x

    int x=5;

    So, YY can not recognized by Debug watch window.

    All the regsiters defined in ST library also can not add to Debug watch window, such as TIM3->CNT.

    p.s Can we add a Reset button in Debug instand of “reload button”



    Unfortunately the GCC compiler does not emit enough information about defines to parse them during debugging. However, VisualGDB has a separate mechanism of tracking peripheral register names and replacing them with the corresponding expressions in the Watch window. If your register is not recognized, you can try editing the device definition files in %LOCALAPPDATA%VisualGDBEmbeddedBSPsarm-eabicom.sysprogs.arm.stm32devices (you can unzip the xml.gz file and just keep the .xml one, VisualGDB will use it automatically).

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