Signals/Exceptions on Raspberry Pi

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Signals/Exceptions on Raspberry Pi

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  • #7041

    I am evaluating VisualGdb for developing a long-running process application (VisualGdb/Vs2012/Raspberry Pi Raspbian/Gnu g++0x (gdb) cross compiler on Win7 PC). Signals are giving me a headache. I am trying to convert them to c++ exceptions and then to catch them, with a view to handling them gracefully – not terminating unless necessary.

    Below is some simple test code – leaving out provision for generic handling, singleton exceptions, etc. The problem is the same. The signal is caught and an exception thrown by its handler. This happens OK but the exception is never caught. Instead, a dialog appears reporting a SIGABRT and on clicking ‘Continue’, the program terminates with the SIGABRT.

    Can anyone please tell me how I prevent the SIGABRT and allow the exception to be caught and the program potentially continue? I have tried playing with the ‘exception settings’ but to no avail.

    The output from the test program is:

    Process /tmp/SignalTest created; pid = 10535

    Listening on port 2000

    Remote debugging from host

    sigaction returned: 0

    About to throw exception …

    terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘SignalExceptionClass’

    what(): Memory Error

    Child terminated with signal = 0x6 (SIGABRT)

    GDBserver exiting


    #include <iostream>
    #include <exception>
    #include <signal.h>

    using namespace std;

    //*** This is the exception class to be thrown
    class SignalExceptionClass : public exception
    string Message;
    SignalExceptionClass (string msg) : exception(), Message(msg) {}
    virtual const char *what () const throw()
    { return Message.c_str (); }
    ~SignalExceptionClass () throw() {}

    //*** And this the handler for the SIGSEGV signal
    void SignalHandler (int sig)
    cout << "About to throw exception ...\n";
    throw SignalExceptionClass ("Memory Error");

    //*** Main Program
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    //*** Set up the signal handler
    struct sigaction sigAct;
    sigAct.sa_handler = SignalHandler;
    sigemptyset (&sigAct.sa_mask);
    sigAct.sa_flags = 0;
    int rc = sigaction (SIGSEGV, &sigAct, 0);
    cout << "sigaction returned: " << rc << endl;

    //*** Deliberately cause a segmentation fault
    int *p = 0;
    cout << *p << endl;
    //*** Try to catch the specific exception thrown - never reached
    catch (SignalExceptionClass &e)
    { cout << "Memory Exception Caught\n";
    //*** Try to catch any remaining exception type - never reached
    catch (...)
    { cout << "Unknown Exception Caught\n";

    cout << "End of Main Program\n";
    return 0;



    This is a known limitation caused by the way signals are implemented in Linux. You read more about it on StackOverflow:

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