Qt5 Project on Raspberry Pi 5 Bookworm

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Qt5 Project on Raspberry Pi 5 Bookworm

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    I’m developing a Qt based project for raspberry pi5 Bookworm using VisualGDB (VS Community 2022) running on a Win11 PC and deploying the executable on the Raspi5.

    It all works perfect, however, I get different results when I remotely running the application as a debug session from VS and when I directly run the executable on the Rasp5.

    The major differences are:

    1. Coloring of some widgets are the same and as required, but other may slightly differ, or are completely different, such as the QPushButton background color, that may
      individually be set for each button when running as VS debug session, but when executing the application directly on the Raspi5, all buttons background color is White.
      Coloring is done by setting each widget styleSheet property using the Qt Designer application.
    2. As part of the application, the in-focus widget may be programably selected, bringing the widget to focus on top. The last in-focus location of each widget is also maintained.
      This all works fine when running as a VS remote debug session, however, when running the executable on the Raspi5, the in focus selection works, however, the widget
      locations always goes back to the original widget location at creation.

    Can anyone provide an explanation to the above and if are there any ways to get it work the same in both scenarios?


    Nahum Budin.



    VisualGDB doesn’t do anything special with Qt. It merely runs gdb via SSH using the command line shown in the GDB session window. If it affects the Qt functionality, it’s something between Qt and GDB and is not a VisualGDB-specific issue, sorry.


    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    I will repost in the Qt forum.

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