Preinitialization with Segger

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Preinitialization with Segger


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    I’m using Segger J-Link with VisualGDB. My Processor got an DDR SDRAM. In order to download to RAM the RAM controller need to be initialized. I solved this problem by adding the necessary command to edp.xml just before the load command.

    It would be nice to be able to configure these commands.

    in GDB startup commands “The following commands will be run AFTER selecting the target” will be executed after the load command. May be this is a bug and should be “AFTER selecting the target and before load”.

    Otherwise: Congrats, VisualGDB is a really nice tool!



    Thanks for letting us know. Yes, the after-initialization commands are indeed executed after ALL of the commands from the debug method.

    As a better workaround, you can define a variable like “com.yourname.init_mcu” in your custom device definition and then add $$com.yourname.init_mcu$$ to the startup commands in the EDP. Then you won’t have to hardcode the device-specific commands in the EDP file.

    We currently don’t have any plans for changing the current behavior as it looks like a fairly rare scenario and the workaround is also very simple, however if you believe it’s a big annoyance (or anyone else encounters a similar issue), please let us know so that we could reconsider this.


    Thank you for you fast answer and proposal.

    If I am really the only person with uninitialized DDR RAM I can live with this. Only after your next update I need not to forget to change edp.xml again.

    At moment I’m happy with the situation because I am able to debug and work;-)


    Hello all,

    I’d like to use the J-LINK to the CPU with a SDRAM.
    Will you kindly tell me where information for editing the “EDP.xml” file is?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Magic.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Magic.

    Hi Magic

    Here I added the commands for memory controller init. F.e.:
    set {int}0x30340004 = 0x0F400005
    set mem inaccessible-by-default on

    just before


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by WalterF.

    Hello WalterF,

    Thank you very much for your great help!

    The VisualGDB is operating normally with the J-LINK on my project.
    I could get the wonderful environment for embedded.

    Sincerely yours,

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