nRFConnect SDK getting error Failed to merge NFCconnect binaries

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  • #30583

    Hello, I created a new project using NCS 1.5.1 then when building the project at the last line it returns an error:

    Failed to merge NRFConnect binaries: No suitable hex files found in C:\Embedded\Embedded\build\nrf52dk_nrf52832\Debug\zephyr


    Not sure what can be producing this error because I didn’t receive any warning or another error when building

    I go through the window explorer to that folder I am able to see the .hex and .bin files, but they are not working for my device


    Any Suggestion?



    This error would appear when VisualGDB could not find any zephyr.hex or merged.hex files in the build directory. Normally, they should be produced by the Zephyr build and are used by VisualGDB to include the softdevice into the ELF file that will be loaded into gdb.

    Please try checking the C:\Embedded\Embedded\build\nrf52dk_nrf52832\Debug\zephyr directory for *.hex, *.bin and *.elf files.

    If the hex file is not created, it could have been disabled via Zephyr settings. Please try checking if the problem persists with a freshly created project. If not, please try comparing the settings between the 2 projects and adjust the initial project accordingly.


    I am able to find the .hex, ,bin and .elf files in the Debug/Zephyr folder, but still getting the error message



    Please let us know the exact names and full paths of the .hex files you located, so that we could recheck what is going on.

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