no variable values on project with STM32H7RS MCU

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB no variable values on project with STM32H7RS MCU

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  • #36402


    I’m starting this post because the original was under a different topic title.

    here is the link to it:

    Topic: Projects with STM32H7S3x8 / STM32H7S7x8 | Sysprogs

    I have a project with an STM32H7R3L8H6H MCU and encountered the problem that I can see the variable values during debugging. I followed the recommendations from Sysprogs support and patched the gcc_compat.h file. This change made it work, but after some modifications in my project files, the problem with the missing values in the variables returned. I started a new project from scratch and followed the tutorials. At first, it worked just fine, but as soon as I enabled the DCache, the problem returned.

    The variables show only initial values and no changes if I do this:

    // Enable D-Cache---------------------------------------------------------

    The variables showing changing values if I do this:

    // Enable D-Cache---------------------------------------------------------
    // SCB_EnableDCache();

    The MPU_Config(); and the SCB_EnableICache(); don’t matter, only the SCB_EnableDCache();

    I want to use the DCache; how can I enable it without losing the ability to debug?


    Thank you





    No problem, this is indeed a separate issue. That said, it shouldn’t be VisualGDB-specific. VisualGDB uses the same low-level debugging tool as the STM32CubeIDE, and both ultimately show the values they receive from the chip via the debug interface. There might be some device register or OpenOCD command overriding this behavior, and turning it on will fix the problem regardless of the IDE you are using, but VisualGDB cannot do it automatically.



    Thank you for the fast answer.

    I’m not sure what is happening behind the curtains of OpenOCD. I just noted that if I use the SCB_EnableDCache(); I have no values or just the initial values for the datatype. I made a test in STM32CubeIDE, which does not matter; I always see the values regardless.

    How could I enable the DCache and still debug with updated values? I don’t know much about OpenOCD; it’s more like a “Black Box Tool.”


    Thank you



    Sorry, we don’t have any further advice beyond what we already mentioned.

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