In a brand new install of VisualGDB trial 6.0R6 in Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition I’m having trouble setting up the Blink project.
Project creation gets this error:
The “Ld” rule is missing the “ProduceRelocationRecords” property.
When I try to compile my program it doesn’t have the includes directory for STMS8: STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver\inc
Missing the Preprocessor macro for my target device: STM8AF52Ax
Can’t compile after fixing the above, missing PreprocessedLinkerScript.ld
Severity Description Project File Line
Error can’t open file VisualGDB\Debug\PreprocessedLinkerScript.ld EmbeddedProject5
C:\code\embedded5\EmbeddedProject5\VisualGDB\Debug\PreprocessedLinkerScript.ld 1
Choose “place all objects in the same directory” seems to fix the Linker error.