New Project Issues – PreprocessedLinkerScript.ld can’t open file

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB New Project Issues – PreprocessedLinkerScript.ld can’t open file

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  • #36262

    In a brand new install of VisualGDB trial 6.0R6 in Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition I’m having trouble setting up the Blink project.

    Project creation gets this error:

    The “Ld” rule is missing the “ProduceRelocationRecords” property.

    When I try to compile my program it doesn’t have the includes directory for STMS8: STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver\inc

    Missing the Preprocessor macro for my target device: STM8AF52Ax

    Can’t compile after fixing the above, missing PreprocessedLinkerScript.ld

    Severity Description Project File Line
    Error can’t open file VisualGDB\Debug\PreprocessedLinkerScript.ld EmbeddedProject5

    C:\code\embedded5\EmbeddedProject5\VisualGDB\Debug\PreprocessedLinkerScript.ld 1


    Choose “place all objects in the same directory” seems to fix the Linker error.





    Sorry about that. It looks like an issue with the 8-bit STM8 device family. These devices are not as popular as 32-bit devices (e.g. STM32) so we do not retest them that often. We will try to address it in one of the upcoming maintenance releases.

    If anyone else runs into the same issue, please feel free to check in here, and we will raise the priority of the issue.

    As a quick workaround, you can try copying the PreprocessLinkerScript option definition from $(VISUALGDB_DIR)\MSBuild\PropertyPages\gcc\linker.xml  to MSBuild\PropertyPages\cxstm8\linker.xml, but it many not solve all the issues with STM8.

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