Hi, I am trying STM32G431 on VisualGDB but noticed that timer registers CR2, SMCR, CCMR1, CCMR2 and CCMR3 are partially incomplete.
I’ve traced the problem back and noticed that the issue happens because some bit-fields where expanded on this series, when compared to previous STM32 devices. And happens because these bit-fields are now split in different bit positions, instead of a consecutive range of bits. And stm32_bsp_generator handles only consecutive bit ranges.
I am finalizing a patch on this tools, but I still have to make some tests before I send you a Pull Request.
By the way, the StdPeriph Library for STM32F0, STM32F1, STM32F2, STM32F3, STM32F4 and STM32L1 are outdated and some of the XML receipts require update, which I also provided. So, for this I will send a separate PR.