I regulary work from my laptop at homeĀ and main PC at work, but recently a strange issue has occured after doing quite a bit of work on my PC then transferring to my laptop(via svn)
I get this error on clean, rebuild and build ONLY on the laptop, the main PC still seems quite happy to build this.
1>VisualGDB: Run “make -f Makefile CONFIG=Debug clean -j4” in directory “/tmp/VisualGDB/c/Users/beuken/Desktop/updatedopengl/Lesson10/Lesson3Again” on pi@ (SSH)
1>Makefile:23: TestFramework.mak: No such file or directory
1>make: *** No rule to make target ‘TestFramework.mak’. Stop.
which relates to line 23 n the make file which is
TestFramework was a small test project I tried out to see how Visual Studio’s new linux builds compared, but it is no longer in my config, so I’m a bit confused why a VisualGDB project is referencing it, and I can’t find any options anywhere to remove that reference.
Any ideas?