misplaced make files??

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB misplaced make files??

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  • #24539
    Brian Beuken

    I regulary work from my laptop at homeĀ  and main PC at work, but recently a strange issue has occured after doing quite a bit of work on my PC then transferring to my laptop(via svn)

    I get this error on clean, rebuild and build ONLY on the laptop, the main PC still seems quite happy to build this.
    1>VisualGDB: Run “make -f Makefile CONFIG=Debug clean -j4” in directory “/tmp/VisualGDB/c/Users/beuken/Desktop/updatedopengl/Lesson10/Lesson3Again” on pi@ (SSH)
    1>Makefile:23: TestFramework.mak: No such file or directory
    1>make: *** No rule to make target ‘TestFramework.mak’. Stop.

    which relates to line 23 n the make file which is


    TestFramework was a small test project I tried out to see how Visual Studio’s new linux builds compared, but it is no longer in my config, so I’m a bit confused why a VisualGDB project is referencing it, and I can’t find any options anywhere to remove that reference.


    Any ideas?



    Brian Beuken

    I actually found the TestFramework.mak file on my PC…its empty, created by VisualGDB surprisingly (I must have done a testframework for that too) and I added it to my svn and now the laptop is happy again.. But I would like to remove this dependancy, and just can find where to do that?



    Please use VisualGDB Project Properties -> Unit Tests page to remove the dependency to the test framework.

    Brian Beuken

    hmmm well I don’t use unit tests and indeed its empty, so there’s nothing for me to remove



    The TestFramework.mak file would normally only be referenced when creating unit test projects, or referencing unit test frameworks. Either way, please try searching the Makefile and *.mak files for the “TestFramework” text and remove any references you find. If nothing helps, simply re-creating the project from scratch should solve the problem.

    Brian Beuken

    There’s no reference in any of the make files to TestFramework but it always fails on this line




    But where is it referencing Additional files?



    Sorry, there is no other place other than the .mak files in the project’s directory where ADDITIONAL_MAKE_FILES would be set.

    If you are still getting strange errors, please try creating another project from scratch – it should rule out any accidental Makefile modifications that could be causing this.

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