make iso image using command line, when Create ISO option is not shown

Sysprogs forums Forums WinCDEmu make iso image using command line, when Create ISO option is not shown


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  • #30370

    open command line terminal

    Windows + r

    type cmd

    click OK

    and then type:
    [winCDemu installed directory]\mkisofs -o [output file] -J -R -l [disc directory]
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinCDEmu\mkisofs" -o %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\image.iso -J -R -l E:\
    Assuming you install the program in default directory, above command will create image of the disc in drive “E:\” and save it on the desktop named “image.iso”. The double quotes are needed if installed directory contains space.

    The options -J -R -l must be specified otherwise the filenames will be incorrect if they are not conforming to ISO9660 standard which they usually does not. For more information see:


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by chatchai.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by chatchai.
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