LOng delay on debugger startup

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB LOng delay on debugger startup

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    I am using the latest VGDB and seeing very long delays between requesting to start a debugging session and the debugger running. The delay isĀ  over 20 seconds before the flash dialog appears and then the target runs to a breakpoint at “main”.

    I am using Segger JLink and this was previously working, not sure what got changed so any pointers would be much appreciated. It is very annoying.




    Please try switching the GDB Session window to the “All GDB Interaction” mode and then enable the timing view (clock icon). It will show how much time each gdb command took. Please try locating the command responsible for the delay and let us know if you need help understanding its role.

    You can also configure VisualGDB to create a diagnostic log of all commands (including their timing) as shown here: http://visualgdb.com/support/logsubmit



    Thank you so much for the suggestion to examine the “GDB Session” window. The problem was a “.gdbinit” file in the GDB HOME folder. I had been doing other testing and need that file.


    Now I need to find a way to have those commands for the other project automatically executed.

    Great support!


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