I am work with VisualGDB Trail Version and in the following requirements:
1. Win-PC Editor with Visual Studio 2013
2. The SRC code are compile on a external Linux PC with GCC toolchain
3. The Embedded System (Linux 2.6) boot from Linux PC root-file system (Netboot)
4. PC/Embedded ssh connection with root user and password on Embedded Host work (Putty Ehernet consol)
5. The Embedded gdbserver Version is 7.2
6. I define a SSH connection with IP/User/Passwort for Embedded System, screen 1
7. and define Quick debug setup Parameters for Linux, screen 2
screen 1

screen 2

Now, i start my quick start debug session failure, screen 3 and 4.
screen 3

screen 4

If i use the same gdbserver Option in a separate putty session it works!, screen 5
screen 5

what’s wrong??? Thx for support 🙂