Indefinite Build Processes

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Indefinite Build Processes

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  • #36516

    Could someone assist with resolve issues with build processes? Any build processes (clean, build, rebuild) I start hangs indefinitely after executing the command.

    Additional details, including software versions:

    • VisualGDB version 6.0R6 (build 5262)
    • Provided a valid license key
    • Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) Version 17.13.3
    • Build commands launched from Visual Studio’s “Build” menus
    • Attempting to build a STM32H757 project
    • Reinstall VisualGDB did not resolve the issue
    • Cancelling the build does result in a successful build

    I was able to build my project during the trial version. The issue first occurred when I attempt to build after the trial expired and before entering a license key. I expect nothing to happen during that run. However, the indefinite build issue persists after entering a valid license key.

    Example logs:

    Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sysprogs\VisualGDB\make.exe CONFIG=Debug clean -j8" in directory <project path> on local computer
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Sysprogs\VisualGDB\make.exe CONFIG=Debug clean -j8

    Sending Ctrl-C...
    The operation was canceled.

    ========== Project Clean Summary ==========
    STM32H757Eval-CM7 cleant in 01:23
    ========== Clean: 0 Succeeded, 1 Failed, 0 Skipped ==========




    Correction: Cancelling a build does not result in a success



    This could be due to a bug in the GNU Make where it sometimes just lock up on multi-core systems. So, normally, we would advise using CMake + Ninja or MSBuild instead. These systems are much more modern and work way better.

    If you have to use GNU Make, you may need to experiment with other similar projects to see what exactly triggers the lockup.


    Thank you for the recommendations. I will try these out and give an update later.

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