how/ where to get a ST-Link package

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB how/ where to get a ST-Link package

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  • #34377


    in the “manage visual gdb packages” page I’d like to activate STM ST-Link for debugging. Currently I have Segger J-Link activated.


    There is an option like “install a package from file” but from where do I get it? This may be  *.vgdbxbsp somewhere but I cannot find it. Is this something I get from STM or from Sysprog?



    I connected to a J-Link debugger (comes with an eval board) and when I select the J-Link in the debug settings pahge I get an error like “cannot load”


    System.TypeLoadException: Der Typ “BSPEngine.ICustomDebugMethodConfigurator2” in der Assembly “BSPEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8f764369eb712693” konnte nicht geladen werden.
    at OpenOCDPackage.OpenOCDDebugController.CreateConfigurator(LoadedDebugMethod method, IBSPConfiguratorHost host)
    at VisualGDB.Common_GUI.WPF.DebugMethodSettingsControl.Controller.BoundDebugMethod.ProvideConfiguratorOrThrow(IBSPConfiguratorHost host)
    at VisualGDB.Common_GUI.WPF.DebugMethodSettingsControl.Controller.UpdateSelectedConfigurator(Boolean suppressPropertyChangeHandlers, MethodOrDeviceItemBase value, MethodOrDeviceItemBase prevValue)


    When I start debugging I get:

    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.MissingFieldException ——————
    System.MissingFieldException: Feld nicht gefunden: “BSPEngine.DebugStartContext.RemoteContext”.
    at OpenOCDPackage.OpenOCDDebugController.StartGDBStub(IDebugStartService startService, DebugStartContext context)
    at rb2.q1(ConfiguredDebugMethod a)
    at om1.s_2(DebugCustomizationSettings b, Boolean a)
    at ef.k3()
    at kt.f1_2()
    at VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.q(d23 b, w1 a)
    trace=[OpenOCDPackage.OpenOCDDebugController.StartGDBStub:-1, rb2.q1:220, om1.s_2:0, ef.k3:484, kt.f1_2:22, VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.q:58]



    It looks like you are using an old VisualGDB version that is not compatible with the latest OpenOCD package.

    You can use the regular Tools->VisualGDB->Manage VisualGDB Packages to download the latest version compatible with your VisualGDB, however it will be fairly old as well.

    If you would like to use the latest versions of OpenOCD and other tools, please consider renewing your license and updating to the latest VisualGDB.

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