How to include gRPC in VisualGDB project

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB How to include gRPC in VisualGDB project

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    I need to use gRPC++ in my project. Currently my project is set to use GNU make to build on my target board. I have built gRPC libraries (by adding the package into yocto recipe) into my target board (pls refer to the attached screenshot). From gRPC example code, it needs to include header files such as:

    #include “absl/flags/flag.h”
    #include “absl/flags/parse.h”

    #include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>

    How come in my target board, there are only gRPC library files but no header files (in the screenshot, you can see there is no gRPC header file)? Has anyone used gRPC with VisualGDB before? Thanks and looking forward to some responses.


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    Sorry, we haven’t specifically tested VisualGDB with gRPC and do not have any instructions for it. Our best advice would be to first get it working outside VisualGDB using the same target/toolchain, and then modify your VisualGDB project accordingly.

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