How to include files in STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB How to include files in STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver

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    I’ve been working along just find on the Nucleo until I tried to use some of the files in the shared library folder:

    For example, stm32f4xx_gpio.h, stm32f4xx_rcc.h and stm32f4xx_tim.h were not brought into my project under “Device-specific files”. My question is, how do I properly add all files in STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver? I tried “Import Folder Recursively” from the VisualGDB options, but that causes errors like:

    ADC2 underclared
    Error unknown type name ‘CAN_TypeDef’ SprokytSTM32

    I feel like there is a better way to do this, but I’m unsure of what it is. Thanks!


    So I figured out that ST uses 2 completely different APIs for development. The older one is based on the standard peripherals (marked legacy in visualGDB), and the newer one uses HAL functionality designed to remove that.

    The problem here is that the VisualGDB example at  uses the older method, but the VisualGDB install instructions use the newer HAL and Cube functionality. That was really confusing, and took me the better part of a day to understand. It would be nice if this info was explained at the top of the examples.



    Sorry for the confusion. We are gradually updating our tutorials to reflect the newer HAL API (e.g. see the new timers tutorial), but we did not update the PWM one yet.

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