This has got to be a stupid question but how do I search these 71 pages of posts!!!
The two search icons on the screen achieve nothing. For example I assume someone has mentioned the lwip stack at least once and yet the search returns nothing. I searched for my own post of a few days ago and nothing. Does it only search “topic tags” that authors have added to their posts?
since you bring it up, I’ll add my voice that this forum, although responsive from support & containing great information – has… well… “things to be desired” from a usability perspective 😉
try using google “site” selector, for instance search this site for instances of esp8266:
Now I can try to hunt down my STMF746 lwip example linking issues where it whinges about duplicate symbols for the file__ objects in the fsdata and fs source files. I’ve given up on trying to get the stemwin helloworld example working. I think the whole new dev environment, new dev board thing is getting the best of me!