Hosting Web Apps on Raspberry Pi Pico W with the HTTP Server

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Hosting Web Apps on Raspberry Pi Pico W with the HTTP Server

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    I’m running the project ‘Hosting Web Apps on Raspberry Pi Pico W with the HTTP Server’ and everything works just fine.

    However it only works in debug mode and not as a stand alone picoW, or even in Start without debugging mode.  By adding some diagnostic led outputs I can see that the pico itself is running.

    This seems to be a problem with all projects involving the wifi chip.

    I’m sure its something silly on my part, any ideas?



    It worked just fine in our tests, so most likely you are doing something different.

    You can try using the Debug->Attach to Running Embedded Firmware command to attach to it once the problem manifests itself, so that you could see what the device is doing.



    I’ve tried that and it works, however I still can’t get the picoW to run in non debug mode. This is the same whether I copy across the uf2 file or run it in Start without debugging mode. As said I added a diagnostic flashing led into the Main loop before the stdio_init_all() and this always flashes whether the pico serves the WEB page or not. So I think that it must be an issue specifically related to the wifi .

    As a possible clue when I use Start emulate I am asked the question:-    Arm semihosting system call detected. Do you want VisualGDB to handle these calls and emulate a base console?

    If I select yes then the project works fine and I can see and use the broadcast web page.

    If I select no then I get the following exception thrown in FastSemihosting.cpp:

    asm volatile(“mov r0, %1; mov r1, %0; bkpt %a2”
    ::”r”(&s_FastSemihostingState), “r”(SysprogsSemihostingReasonBase +
    kInitializeFastSemihosting), “i”(AngelSWI)
    : “r0”, “r1”, “r2”, “r3”, “ip”, “lr”, “memory”, “cc”);

    s_FastSemihostingState.ReadOffset = 0;  * Exception Thrown Received a SIGTRAP: trace/breakpoint trap
    s_FastSemihostingState.WriteOffset = 0;


    Could it be that in debug mode the programme is running slower and so avoids a timing issue somewhere?

    Your help would  be appreciated


    Just to add if I press Continue at this point the wifi then works.



    Semihosting is a mechanism used by the target to send some data (e.g. printf()-like output) to the debugger.

    Unless you have changed the code in some way, it should not really be triggering. If you are not sure, please try doing a clean checkout of our PicoHTTPServer demo, and build it from scratch (make sure you also re-download and re-patch the Pico SDK). It should work just fine – we have double-checked it with the latest Pico SDK 1.5.0.

    You can also use the Call Stack window in Visual Studio to see why exactly the semihosting gets invoked.

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