gnu compiler question

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB gnu compiler question

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  • #21047

    Hello every body!

    I think this question is addressed not exactly to visualgdb, but to gcc. Sorry if that’s the case.

    In my visualgdb project i use enums and i need it’s size to be 4 bytes. Enum size is 1 byte on the assumption of current gcc settings. What additional gcc options i must to add? The way to add MAX_COUNT field more than 0xFFFF works, but i think it must be some other decision. Gcc version is 7.2.0. I tried to read gcc manual, but i can’t find any information about this there in connection with my bad english.

    Thanks for help!



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    Sure i can, but i use 30 day trial ver. , so i dont think it is the cause

    By the way, gcc flags -fshort-enums and -fno-short-enums worked, though compiler gave some warrnings about it.



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