I’m using Visual GDB and GDB stub to program an ESP8266.
It’s working fine with my demo board and an USB <-> serial converter.
Now, I’m using my own board with 2 ESP8266 and I’m using an FT4232 to program and debug it.
The FT4232 is an USB <=> 4x serial converter. It’s the best for me because I have 2 ESP8266 with each one have a full serial link and an other one for debug printf.
My problem is that Visual GDB + GDB stub can’t program an ESP.
The FT4232 make me 4 COM PORT on Windows.
COM1 : program ESP 1
COM2 : debug ESP 1
COM3 : program ESP 2
COM4 : debug ESP 2
Each time I try to debug ESP 1 with COM2 (printf) and program with COM1, GDB say that COM2 is already open (of course, I try to catch all printf…) but the project properties are configured to program with COM1.
It’s the same for theĀ second ESP.
And if I don’t try to catch the printf (closing the COM2), GDB don’t find the module.
I’m really need to use an FT4232, how can I do this working ?
Thanks for your help