GCC version discrepancy between x-toolchain and target

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB GCC version discrepancy between x-toolchain and target

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  • #32497

    Hello everyone,

    I’m using VisualGDB to develop user-application code for and embedded target.

    Target specs are:

    • CPU: aarch64
    • Kernel: 5.4.70
    • Root filesystem: from Ubuntu 18.04.6 (Bionic beaver)

    The latest version of gcc that I can get fromĀ apt (on the target) is: gcc v7.5 w/ GLIBC v2.27

    On my host PC (the one that I use to develop) I’m using gcc v10.3 downloaded from the ARM toolchain website.

    I’ve done the syncroot synchronization, so the libraries on the host PC and the target should be the same.

    Is it enough or there could be some kind of error due to the fact that I’m using a more recent version of gcc with respect to my distro’s package?


    Thank you



    In order to build the Linux applications on Windows, the cross-toolchain needs to be built specifically for that target using precisely the same settings as the original gcc. I.e. it needs to use the same ABI settings, same versions of libraries, same distro-specific gcc patches, and so on. Synchronizing sysroot on a similar toolchain would lead to unpredictable consequences: it might work, or it could trigger strange compile-time or runtime issues. You can read more about it here: https://visualgdb.com/documentation/linux/boards/.

    If you are using a custom Linux board, the board vendor might already provide a toolchain, or scripts for building one. We could also build one for you for a small fee. Feel free to reach out to our sales to get a quote.

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