Failed to read memory at address

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Failed to read memory at address


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  • #32912


    I’m new to visualGDB and trying to start with a blinking LED mbed project but I’m encountering the following error when I’m trying to run the program on the board.

    Error: 1282 5911 arm_adi_v5.c:561 mem_ap_read(): Failed to read memory at 0x20050004


    I’m using a SDP K1 and the latest version of visualgdb.

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by MLei.


    This error means that gdb requests the device to read the memory at address 0x20050004 and the device responds with an error. The address would normally be computed by OpenOCD based on the debug settings (e.g. device script) and the ELF file produced by the mbed build.

    The best way to troubleshoot it would be to recheck the device datasheet whether it’s a valid memory address (e.g. part of RAM). If it is, please double-check the OpenOCD debug scripts and settings for possible settings preventing memory reads from working. If it is not, please recheck the ELF file and the debug settings for possible hints pointing to the incorrect address.

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