ESP8266 OTA SDK2.1.0

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB ESP8266 OTA SDK2.1.0

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  • #19894



    I’m using VisualGDB to programm an ESP8266 module with 16mbit of flash memory, with the latest SDK (2.1.0).

    I’m trying to make an OTA firmware, i’ve read all the tuto of this page

    But, my first problem is that VisualGDB ask me a file boot_v1.5.bin, and this file doesn’t exist. I’ve rename the file boot_v1.7.bin to correct this error.

    The example is based on a 8mbit flash module, with 2 different linker script for the bin file 1 and 2.

    But in my case, with 16mbit of flash, there is only one linker script…

    And I can’t use the ESPImageTool, it crash when I try to start it…


    Can someone help me to do an OTA firmware with my ESP8266 + 16mbit of flash ?


    Thanks to all !



    Thanks for pointing this out – we have switched the bootloader file definition and fixed the ESPImageTool binary. Please download the r13 toolchain here:

    Regarding the OTA scripts, our toolchain is based on the original ESP8266 SDK. If you believe it is missing files for some of the OTA modes, please double-check this with Espressif, they might be able to provide you with the correct linker script.




    Thanks a lot ! It’s working perfectly now !

    I will play with it…

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