Error on SSH connection with public key since release 5.2 preview 1

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Error on SSH connection with public key since release 5.2 preview 1

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  • #8619


    I have tried the 5.2 preview 1 release.

    The ssh link cannot be made in this version. I use rsa keys to log in.

    Here is the display in the console :

    SSH: Looking up host…
    SSH: Connecting…
    SSH: Handshaking…
    SSH: Checking key…
    SSH: Authenticating…
    SSH: Error
    Connection error: L’opération a été annulée.
    Connection to target failed. Please use Tools->SSH Host Manager in Visual Studio to diagnose it.
    Press any key to continue…



    I have tried a manual connection using openssh and it works normally. Nothing has changed on my computer except the wingdb release update.


    The login/password authentification method runs properly.



    We have just rechecked that and could not reproduce the failure. Most likely the bug is actually caused by some GUI not properly displayed in the console mode. We would really appreciate it if you could try creating a project targeting that machine with the normal VisualGDB Project Wizard and let us know if it shows any extra dialogs/confirmations related to SSH. This should help us pinpoint the problem.


    With the GUI you dont need to open a roject to reproduce the bug :

    Open Tools > SSH connection Manager > New connection

    The answer in the GUI is “Cannot authenticate using OpenSSH key. Do you want to enter password instead ?”.

    If you give me a private e-mail, I can provide to you the URL, an account, and a temporary private key.



    Thanks, we have fixed this. Please try this build:


    I have this same problem, but the link to the fix is no longer valid.

    I started with version 5.1 and had the same problem.  Tried 5.2 Preview 2, still have the problem.  Key (rsa2) works in PuTTY, exported openssh format, and I get the same error as @hromain

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by rfindley.

    Is there somewhere in VisualGDB that I can look at the SSH handshaking when using an openssh/rsa key?

    When I look in my server’s auth.log, the only info available is:
    sshd[14307]: error: key_verify: error in libcrypto

    I’ve tried both password-protected and unprotected private openssh keys.  I’ve tried rsa and dsa keys (both ssh-2).  None of them work.  All of the same keys work with PuTTY (in putty format), and I’ve tested at least the rsa key in another application in openssh format.



    We have investigated this and pinpointed it to an issue in libssh2.

    To work around this, we have added support for RSA keys to the upcoming VisualGDB 5.2 Preview 3. It will not work with the regular PuTTY key files, but will work when used in the automatic setup mode using Windows key containers.

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