Disable Frameworks for CI builds

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    Our project includes Embedded Framework “Fast Semihosting and Embedded Profiler”
    We use this framework for developement and debugging purposes, but final firmware should not include framework’s sources.

    Framework can’t be “included” only in Debug configuration, and “excluded” from Release configuration, right?
    We need something like console command to disable framework on CI machines.

    How we can “remove” framework from project automatically, without GUI?



    This is a known limitation. Referencing a framework automatically adds its source files to a project, that affects all configurations. Hence all framework-related settings are shared between the configurations.

    If you are using MSBuild, the easiest workaround would be to mark the framework files as “does not participate in build” for the release configuration. This will prevent VisualGDB from building them (adding/removing frameworks won’t override this as long as the files are physically present).


    Thanks, this approach looks good for us.

    Actually, we use MSBuild and know this workaround. But what if Framework will change?
    For example, in next update you will modify or add new source files to Framework. In such case we will need to update all our projects manually, and exclude Framework files from build again, right? How updater works?

    Thank you for support!



    If the framework changes, VisualGDB won’t replace the entire file list overriding your changes. Instead it will add the new sources to the project, keeping the “does not build” flag for the old ones.

    If the new source files only contain functions/methods used by the old ones, the linker will automatically eliminate them (as long as other files are excluded), so you won’t need to update this manually.

    Long term, we will solve this by fully supporting the Advanced CMake Project Subsystem for embedded projects – the frameworks will be converted to separate CMake targets and you will be able to fine-tune the references by editing the CMake files, although this will be added after the upcoming v5.4.

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