Using VisualGDB the following error message is displayed when starting a debug session. I have the latest Segger J-Link installed (6.32h, 6.32j fails as well) and have removed and re-installed the embedded debug package. This has occurred with previous versions of the 5.4 preview as well though I do not have the release numbers handy. Please advise.
System.TypeLoadException: Method ‘TryRequestVirtualStop’ in type ‘SeggerGDBStub’ from assembly ‘SeggerEDP, Version=2.0.1061.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’ does not have an implementation. at SeggerEDP.SeggerDebugController.StartGDBStub(IDebugStartService startService, DebugStartContext context) at vk2.z(ConfiguredDebugMethod a) at r31.a_4(DebugCustomizationSettings a) at sd1.e4() at VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.c(ur a, u1 b)