Debugging cannot be started second time.

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB Debugging cannot be started second time.

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  • #28900

    Good morning, I have a strange problem with debugging in the following configuration:

    VisualStudio 2017, ARM toolchain 9.3.1/9.2.0/r2, Segger J-Link 4.2, NXP S32k148


    When I start debugger first time, it flash the compiled code and stop at a breakpoint at the first line of main function (or even at start-up code – simply do not execute any instruction of my code). Then I stop debugger.

    When I try to start debugger second time, the progress bar shoving flashing seems to be blocked after Compare and the Erase do not start. After few seconds a message announce me that:

    “The memory loacation … used for stack is not writable…”.


    The memory at the specified address should be writable according to microcontroller datasheet.

    There is a GDB log for first start and the second start attached. I do not see nothing interesting in it.


    After the second attempt to start debugger, I need to use J-Flash (flashing SW from Segger) to chip erase. Then I can start debugging from Visual Studio again (but only once).


    It is quite interesting that the project was working up to now. When I slightly modify (comment 2 lines) one function (FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence from S32K SDK which is executed from RAM), the compiled code is few bytes shorter and there is no problem with starting debugging. I remind that no instruction of the code is executed, the debugger halt execution at the first line of main or even at start-up. The GDB log for modified code is also attached.


    When I use the SDK flash driver (using the function FLASH_DRV_CommandSequence) in different (smaller) project it works properly.


    Any ideas are very welcomed.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Waszniowski.
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