I have several projects that are working just fine with a remote Linux build server and deploying to a target embedded system. My version is 5.2 (Beta1)
However, now when I try to create a new project I am getting a message box that says “Debugging Failed.” The GDB log has the following:
VisualGDB is licensed to Sid Price
w11: LIBSSH2_ERROR_SCP_PROTOCOL while trying to upload /tmp/Wandboard_ISP
at am.c3(String a, Int64 b)
at xi1.a(FileTransferAction d, qe a, mi c, mi e, tu f, no1 b)
at z71.i1(wq1 a, List`1 b)
at z71.z.b(wq1 a)
at bw.p1.r`1.h(wq1 a)
at VisualGDB.Add_In.Tool_Windows.WPF.DockedProgressPresenter.c(Action`1 operation, String caption, o7 exceptionHandler, String[] stages)
at bw.p1.j_2[_ResultType](gj`1 c, String a, Int32 b, String[] d)
at z71.t()
at z71.r_2(DebugCustomizationSettings a)
at dq1.m2()
at VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.e(z81 a, t2 b)
I have tested the SSH connection to the target and it works fine. I have also tried to create a second project and it has the same issue.
Please advise what may be wrong here,
This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by sidprice.