Crossworks Import Questions

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    In the past I’ve manually ported over crossworks projects to VGDB, however I noticed there’s an import project option now. My manual imports always had slight errors/bugs so I’d like to try out the built in importer. However I get an error about missing “generated input list (.ind)” files. I did a search and my computer doesn’t seem to find any .ind files on the drive, even after rebuilding the project in crossworks.

    We are using crossworks v3.6.5. Are *.ind files generated by newer versions of crossworks? I can’t find any info online about them.


    Thanks for renewing your support.

    Our CrossWorks project importer uses the .ind files to determine the full list of implicit sources (coming from CrossWorks packages) used to build the project. In our experiments, this was the only way to locate these implicit dependencies that are otherwise not referenced anywhere.

    You can actually find the logic used by the CrossWorks importer here. We intentionally publish the sources for all project importer plugins, so that our users can tweak them to their needs.

    In this case, you can simply ignore the warning about the .ind files and proceed with importing the project anyway. If the resulting project won’t build due to missing symbols, you can try examining the map file produced by CrossWorks, or searching the object files in its build directory for the definitions of these symbols, and manually adding the corresponding files to the VisualGDB project.

    In general, when it comes to importing projects from other tools, VisualGDB can automatically parse common settings (list of source files, include directories, preprocessor macros, device type, etc.), but indeed, it won’t translate every possible setting from the original project file. This speeds up the importing process compared to creating a new project and adding everything there manually, but indeed requires minor adjustments to accommodate the settings that could not be translated automatically.


    Okay thank you. Looking through that code I think I’ve come up with a strategy.

    Like I said, I’m on CrossWorks v3.6.5 and it does not generate a *.ind file. However I downloaded a trial of CrossWorks v4 and it does generate the file. My v4 trial wont fully build my project since it is in trial mode, but I don’t think that matters. Looking at the .ind file generated, I can see exactly which paths VGDB is looking for. I can either:

    1. Supress the warning and manually input these later
    2. Just copy this .ind file to my older CrossWorks output folder for the import

    Is there a tutorial on the site for modifying these BSPtools and using them with VGDB?


    So I’ve noticed while importing, the build flags don’t get filled in automatically. I know the project is for a device which is not in any VGDB library. Is it expected I specify them manually or is it not importing correctly?



    It is totally possible that older versions of CrossWorks would handle things differently. This is exactly why we published the sources of our importing plugin.

    There is no special tutorial for the plugin, you can simply open its solution in Visual Studio, build it and replace the original plugin in the VisualGDB directory.

    As for the build flags, they are likely stored in way that the importing plugin cannot easily deduce (or is different from the CrossWorks version we tested). Specifying them manually, or patching the plugin if you would like to import multiple projects, should work just fine.

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