Crash on Starting Debugging Raspberry

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  • #23934


    i wanted to test the tutorial with the cross-compiling and debugging a raspberry programm

    Setup the GDB Process with SSH works.


    But starting the Debug-Session with VIsual Studio ends in an exception:

    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.NullReferenceException ——————
    System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
    bei re..ctor(GDBSessionLaunchOptions b, ih a)
    bei ih..ctor(GDBSessionLaunchOptions a)
    bei t21.a_2()
    bei VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.b(lp1 a)
    bei VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.Attach(IDebugProgram2[] b, IDebugProgramNode2[] a, UInt32 d, IDebugEventCallback2 c, enum_ATTACH_REASON e)


    Any ideas?



    It looks like the floating license data has not been loaded properly. Please try restarting Visual Studio and check the Help->About VisualGDB window again.

    Please also ensure that your antivirus is not blocking SessionServer.exe – the process responsible for sharing the floating session keys between multiple VisualGDB instances on the same machine. We had a similar issue reported by another user and it turned out their antivirus was silently preventing VisualGDB from reading the shared memory block from SessionServer, so it didn’t trigger any error immediately, but the loaded keys were zeroed, causing a NullReferenceException.




    sorry this didn’t help. We use dedicated VM with no AV.

    The Help-About screen shows our 4 floating licences.

    Could it be the version of VS? I tried it with VS2015 and VS2017.

    We had a similar problem with the ESP32 toolchain some time ago. On a different machine it worked.



    Sorry for the inconvenience. The error is not related to the VS version and happens when the session key downloaded from the VisualGDB server is not valid. It is hard to say what could be interfering with the key loading mechanism without knowing the specifics of your setup, so the best way to diagnose this would be to compare this machine with another one where VisualGDB works and try eliminating the differences one-by-one.


    i got a temporaly success!

    I removed our floating licence and used the trial version.

    Now it works.

    But currently i have no clue, where the SessionServer gets blocked!

    The Content filter of the firewall is deactivated and windows firewall is also open. I also see no blocking inside the firewall.

    On which ports is the SessionServer communicating?


    best regards holger


    i checked everything.

    allowed the firewall.

    Deactivated Windows Defender.

    ALso Installed Antivir to allow SessionServer.exe.

    But nothing really helped. All changes were done with a restart of windows to have no artefacts in the running windows session. It’s really unclear, what blocks the Licencing. The revert to the Trial licence worked. But this is a temporaly workaround and no solution.

    Hope to get it running soon.


    No problem. It looks like we will need to know more details about your setup (specific installation IDs) and may need you to run our internal diagnostic tool in order to see what is going on. Please create a support ticket here and we will get back to you with details.

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