Greetings, i’m new user to Your plug so maybe this is why I’m receiving this error.
However after making first project in vs2015 using your hello world template I’m receiving this log:
1>—— Build started: Project: LinuxProject3, Configuration: Debug ARM ——
1> Nazwa ‘”\VisualGDB.exe”‘ nie jest rozpoznawana jako polecenie wewnętrzne lub zewnętrzne,
1> program wykonywalny lub plik wsadowy.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(37,5): error MSB3073: The command “”\VisualGDB.exe” /build “E:\Dropbox\2.Prywatne\roomescape\csharp__pomocnicze\LinuxProject3\LinuxProject3\LinuxProject3.vcxproj” “/solution:E:\Dropbox\2.Prywatne\roomescape\csharp__pomocnicze\LinuxProject3\LinuxProject3.sln” “/config:Debug” “/platform:ARM”” exited with code 9009.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
- visualgdb.exe is not recognized as inpute file or executable program
and gdb log:
Your trial has been extended until we finish validating your purchase.
gdb –interpreter mi –args “/tmp/VisualGDB/Debug/LinuxProject3”
bash: line 0: cd: /tmp/VisualGDB/Debug: No such file or directory
Warning: could not set a breakpoint on main. ‘Step into new instance’ will not work.
fd+d: GDB session exited prematurely. Please verify that the project is built, the selected GDB binary exists and the working directory is specified correctly.
at fd..ctor(VisualGDBProjectSettings2 A_0, GDBSessionLaunchOptions A_1, ps A_2, alv A_3, Boolean A_4)
at VisualGDB.GDBDebugEngine.a(adl A_0)
This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by