cmake add new file to static lib crash

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB cmake add new file to static lib crash

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  • #24639

    Using windows subsystem for linux and adding a new file to a static lib using cmake give error


    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.NotSupportedException ——————
    System.NotSupportedException: The given path’s format is not supported.
    at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath)
    at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
    at ts.d3(String b, si a, String d, Boolean c)
    at ts.r(si e, String c, String d, Boolean a, Boolean b)
    at uv1`2.d_4(za2 b, Object a)
    at z82.f1.Exec(Guid& b, UInt32 d, UInt32 e, IntPtr a, IntPtr c)


    Help ?



    Also when adding from a linux WSL cmake project reference to another cmakefilelist.txt i get


    VisualGDB version:
    —————— System.NotSupportedException ——————
    System.NotSupportedException: The given path’s format is not supported.
    at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.EmulateFileIOPermissionChecks(String fullPath)
    at System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.QuickDemand(FileIOPermissionAccess access, String fullPath, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath)
    at zd.e2(String a)
    at vl1.ParseCanonicalName(String b, UInt32& a)
    at vl1.IsDocumentInProject(String d, Int32& b, VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[] c, UInt32& a)
    at tq.g(vl1 a, to d, Boolean c, UInt32& b)
    at tq.a(vl1 c, to a, Boolean b)
    at vl1.j1_2(to b, Boolean a)
    at lq.g(Target a)
    at ey.q.c_6(r22 b, Object a)
    at zd.g.Exec(Guid& d, UInt32 a, UInt32 c, IntPtr e, IntPtr b)


    Thanks for reporting this, we have fixed the issue in the following build: VisualGDB-


    Thank you for the fix i will check it . But i think you shoud fire the developer who broke this basic features. Its not like some hidden feature of the cmake linux projects …

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