Clang Intellisense problem

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  • #21217

    I have an ESP-IDF project that has a problem I don’t see how to solve. Maybe I am just doing something that is unsupported.

    Under the projects “main” folder I have a directory called “Hardware”. Inside that directory are some source and include files specifically related to the hardware. In one of those include files I include a include file from one of my components. The project compiles fine but whenever I open the include file under the hardware folder I get a message “Found 1 additional include directory required by the current file”. It correctly lists the directory under the components directory as needing to be included. However that directory is already included. If I go ahead and let it try to include it again it makes no difference. If I put the same include file in a file that is directly under main, it works fine, it is just if the file is in the “hardware” subdirectory that I get this problem.

    Is the use of a subfolder under main just not supported or am I missing something?





    It looks like the subdirectory is unrelated to the problem. I moved the include file directly to main and I still see the same problem.

    The file includes the needed directory and like I said, it builds fine, but intellisense still keeps trying to add that directory, even though it is already there.


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I closed Visual Studio, deleted the VisualGDBCache and the CodeDB folders and reopened it and did a build. Still didn’t help.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”></p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”></p>


    Ok, I think I found the issue. The include files in the component were at the top level of the component instead of being in a subdirectory called include. When I moved them it fixed the problem.






    Good to know it works. BTW, you can find out more about the expected project structure for esp-idf-based projects here:

    VisualGDB automatically follows it when creating new projects and cloning samples, but imported 3rd-party project may need adjustment. That said, you can also use the automatic header discovery logic to simply edit the component properties to let it use any include directories you prefer.

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