Clang IntelliSense not working with Raspberry Pi OpenCVDemo

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  • #7880

    I went through the “Cross-compiling OpenCV 3 for Raspberry Pi 2” Tutorial. Everything works as expected, the OpenCV lib and the “findContours” Demo compile without compilation errors. But the Clang IntelliSense does not work. I get 23 errors like this:
    <pre style=”padding-left: 30px;”>[Clang IntelliSense] Error: ‘opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp’ file not found OpenCVDemo C:\visualgdb\opencv\opencvdemo\OpenCVDemo.cpp 7
    <pre style=”padding-left: 30px;”>[Clang IntelliSense] Error: use of undeclared identifier ‘WINDOW_AUTOSIZE’ OpenCVDemo c:\visualgdb\opencv\opencvdemo\OpenCVDemo.cpp 44
    The “IntelliSense based on CFLAGS” Option in the project Proberties is checked (Tutorial Step 22).
    Are there any other things I might have made wrong?




    Are you talking about the IntelliSense when editing the OpenCV sources, or when editing your application based on OpenCV?

    Please ensure that the “Configure IntelliSense baesd on CFLAGS dumped by CMake” checkbox on the CMake Project Settings page is set. If it was not set, please set it and build your project again.

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