C++11 Intellisense in Visual Studio 2015

Sysprogs forums Forums VisualGDB C++11 Intellisense in Visual Studio 2015

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  • #9465

    I tried the workaround with setting the intellisense and also setting the #define __cplusplus 201103L as iva did but I still get compile errors in other files and when I hover I can see that __cpluplus is 199711L rather than the value set in the gcc_blah.h files that I modified.

    I don’t understand why with it being almost 2017 we still have tests that look to see if you are running visual Studio 2012 and nothing checking for Visual Studio 2015 (that 1900 value fails in lots of places being too high to get its own section).

    Is there something else I can check, or an update that deals with this?
    I am running 5.2 (build 1282)



    Please try the latest v5.2R2 and retest your toolchain. It should generate the following definition for __cplusplus

    #undef __cplusplus
    #define cplusplus <version>

    This should fully override the default value on all VS versions.

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