Archive a project

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  • #36453


    I’m writing a medium sized C++ project for STM32 which uses Stmduino libraries.

    How can I archive and restore my project so it is complete?

    Especially including all .h and .cpp files from libraries,
    necessary to compile and rebuild the project standalone.




    Are you using the Arduino build system (Arduino project wizard) or have you manually ported the Arduino libraries to a regular embedded project?


    <div>The build runs:</div>
    <div>Run “C:\Users\Rolf\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Arduino\arduino-builder.exe -prefs=com.sysprogs.extraflags=”-Og” -compile -logger=machine -fqbn=STM32:stm32:GenF1:pnum=BLUEPILL_F103CB,upload_method=swdMethod,xserial=generic,usb=CDCgen,xusb=FS,opt=ogstd,rtlib=nano -build-path G:\Projekte\Accessory\STM32\iDSTW\iDSTE32\iDSTW32\iDSTW32\Output\Generic_STM32F1_series\Debug -unoptimize=sketch -hardware C:\Users\Rolf\Documents/Arduino/hardware -hardware C:\Users\Rolf\Documents/ArduinoData/packages -hardware C:\Users\Rolf\AppData\Local/Arduino15/packages -tools C:\Users\Rolf\Documents/ArduinoData/packages -tools C:\Users\Rolf\AppData\Local/Arduino15/packages -libraries C:\Users\Rolf\Documents/Arduino/Libraries -libraries G:\Projekte\Accessory\STM32\iDSTW\iDSTE32\iDSTW32\iDSTW32\Libraries\Users\Rolf\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\STM32\tools\STM32Tools\1.4.0\Users\Rolf\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\STM32\tools\xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc\9.2.1-1.1\Users\Rolf\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Arduino\tools-builder\ctags\5.8-arduino11 sketches/iDSTWard.ino” in directory “G:\Projekte\Accessory\STM32\iDSTW\iDSTE32\iDSTW32\iDSTW32″ on local computer</div>
    C:\Users\Rolf\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Arduino\arduino-builder.exe -prefs=com.sysprogs.extraflags=”-Og” -compile -logger=machine -fqbn=STM32:stm32:GenF1:pnum=BLUEPILL_F103CB,upload_method=swdMethod,xserial=generic,usb=CDCgen,xusb=FS,opt=ogstd,rtlib=nano -build-path G:\Projekte\Accessory\STM32\iDSTW\iDSTE32\iDSTW32\iDSTW32\Output\Generic_STM32F1_series\Debug -unoptimize=sketch -hardware C:\Users\Rolf\Documents/Arduino/hardware -hardware C:\Users\Rolf\Documents/ArduinoData/packages -hardware C:\Users\Rolf\AppData\Local/Arduino15/packages -tools C:\Users\Rolf\Documents/ArduinoData/packages -tools C:\Users\Rolf\AppData\Local/Arduino15/packages -libraries C:\Users\Rolf\Documents/Arduino/Libraries -libraries G:\Projekte\Accessory\STM32\iDSTW\iDSTE32\iDSTW32\iDSTW32\Libraries\Users\Rolf\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\STM32\tools\STM32Tools\1.4.0\Users\Rolf\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\STM32\tools\xpack-arm-none-eabi-gcc\9.2.1-1.1\Users\Rolf\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\Arduino\tools-builder\ctags\5.8-arduino11 sketches/iDSTWard.ino</div>
    <div>I make updates for Arduino libraries with VisualGDB update Dialog.</div>
    <div>Under user documents Arduino and ArduinoData are updated.</div>
    <div>As I sometimes had troubles with new versions of libraries,</div>
    <div>I would like be able to make snapshots of project, including libraries.</div>
    <div>Additionally, when a project is completed, I want to store it long term on a server.</div>
    <div>As I am doing projects of different types and processors brands,</div>
    <div>the libraries are quite big.</div>


    The arduino-builder is a part of the Arduino build system. It is generally good for quick prototyping, but is rather hard to maintain because Arduino packages and libraries keep changing, and you will inevitably end up dealing with some compatibility issues in the long run.

    As every Arduino core has its own layout of packages and tools, there is no good universal way of archiving them. You can try making a copy of the entire Arduino15 directory and other package directories, but it will still not work if you end up missing some files. A good long-term solution would be to create a regular STM32 project, and manually port the Arduino-specific code from the Arduino project into it, but it would be quite a time investment.

    A somewhat easier way would be to put everything into a VM and make a backup of it.

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